About Us at the Watershed Institute
A multi-disciplined team approach
The Watershed Institute concept was originated in
1996 by a group of state and federal government
employees as an unofficial method to address many
natural resource issues. In 2004 the group formed a
non-profit corporation and hired a seasoned
environmental attorney as the Executive Director and
have not looked back since.
Watershed based environmental management
Natural Resource Assessments
Our team of Natural Resource Professionals have
the experience and ability to perform a wide variety
of stream and wetland assessments. The
assessments include SVAP, PFC, Threatened and
Endangered species and many other habitat
Streambank Stabilization and Stream Restoration
Our experienced team of stream experts can
assess, survey, design and construct a wide
variety of cost effective streambank stabilization
methods. They are experienced in soil
bioengineering and natural stream restoration
design methods.
Wetland Design and Enhancement
Our team has experience in designing and
enhancing a wide variety of wetlands for wildlife
habitat, hunting, wetland mitigation, or water
quality improvement.
We have the ability to make presentations or group
training on a variety of topics including fluvial
geomorphology, stream corridor management,
wetland creation and management, riparian
systems and design, and stream renovation and
streambank stabilization.
Watershed Assessments
Fast, Affordable Ecological Assessments
A thorough assessment of the resource, prior to
design and installation, is the most critical step to
success. We perform assessments to meet a wide
variety of objectives. Contact us today to discuss your
freshwater resource assessment needs! Request
our free fact sheet "Assessment and Monitoring: The
Key to Successful Restoration."
To be published in 2007
Handbook--Contributing Author
- USDA - NRCS - Stream
Restoration Design Handbook.
Anaheim, California-Presenters
at a two day stream training
course for Golf Course
Superintendents Association of
America (GCSAA).
Reno, Nevada--Partnering with THI Riverworks with a display at
the International Erosion Control Association Conference
(https://www.ieca.org/conference/annual/aboutec.asp) which is
the world's largest soil and water event held in Reno, Nevada
Steelville, Missouri-- Trout Farm
Renovation - In cooperation with
Trout Headwaters, Inc.
Pennsylvania - Lake and
Stream Assessment - In
cooperation with Trout
Headwaters, Inc
Latest News
Watershed Institute, Inc. (not-for-profit)
June 2007
TWI Executive Director attendS the
National Conference on Land
Trusts in Park City, Utah.
Strengthening the Roles of Land
Trusts and Local Governments in
Protecting and Restoring
Wetlands and Riparian Areas